
Первый звонок! It’s the first day of class!

Greetings, everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break. A number of our students went abroad, so stay tuned for their stories.

The first day of class is a very special holiday in Russia and the former Soviet Republic. It’s always held on September 1st, and it’s called Первый звонок (First Bell) or День знаний (Day of Knowledge). The incoming first graders dress up in a “uniform” of suits and patent leather shoes for the boys and dresses, starched white bows, and patent leather shoes for the girls. They all carry bouquets as they form a Линейка (Line) and march up to the school.

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Students preparing for their ceremonial first march to school.

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Sometimes students are given ceremonial red sashes with bells on them at First Bell and Graduation, like this girl has here. Professor Clark got to march with her ceremonial sash and bell when she finished high school in Russia!

There are also speeches, poetry readings, and dance performances, followed by the ceremonial ringing of the bell declaring school open.

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The biggest boy in the senior class carries the smallest girl in the starting class on his shoulder while she rings a bell.

This is a big occasion, so students’ parents dress up in their best clothes and come to watch the ceremonies. Then students are taken to their classrooms. In this short video from a school in Moscow, you can see the first graders on their first day of class learning the alphabet and important things like how to hold their arms properly–in Russian schools students are supposed to sit with their arms folded in a particular way on the desk, and raise their hands in a particular way, which you can see them practicing here:

The first day of school in the US isn’t quite as fancy, but it’s also a great occasion to meet new friends and learn new things. Wishing everyone a fabulous first day of college!



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